About Us

Trends on Twitter helps us to know what topics are famous among the people in different countries around the world. But, the problem is, it is very difficult to see what's trending on locations other than ours. This is where our website is useful.

todaytagz.com not only shows you the twitter trends of your city or country, but it also allows you to see the trending topics and hashtags of different countries and cities around the world.

At todaytagz.com, you can view the latest worldwide twitter trending topics without any restriction.

We always appreciate your Feedback.

We would be very happy to hear from you if:

  • You have found any mistake on website.
  • You have found a link, button or any other navigation on the website that doesn't work.
  • You have any suggestion or feedback to imporve todaytagz.com

Before contacting please note that:

  • We don't control trends.
  • We provide data for information purpose only.

Contact us at: contact@todaytagz.com.