Twitter Trends - Fukuoka, Japan
The following are the top twitter trends and hashtags trending on twitter today in Fukuoka. The trends was last updated 27 minutes ago.
Rank | Trending Topic / Hashtag | Tweet Count |
1 | 厚生年金 | 12.8K |
2 | #青のミブロ | 17.6K |
3 | #星降る王国のニナ | 18.1K |
4 | 対象作品 | 26.6K |
5 | #LINEマンガガチャ | 24.4K |
6 | #ブルーロック | 36K |
7 | #ラヴィット | 34.8K |
8 | パート加入 | Under 10K |
9 | ベルの素敵 | Under 10K |
10 | 強行採決 | 12.5K |
11 | 金曜日のK | 11K |
12 | 異例の国会 | Under 10K |
13 | エンティーム | 11.1K |
14 | DUNK | 32.4K |
15 | ルックバック | Under 10K |
16 | 実名告発 | Under 10K |
17 | 齋藤元彦 | Under 10K |
18 | エイトのグッズ | Under 10K |
19 | 自民・過半数割れ | 12.2K |
20 | 優勝パレード協賛金キックバック疑惑 | Under 10K |
21 | セガラッキーくじ | Under 10K |
22 | フジクラ | Under 10K |
23 | モスのポテト | Under 10K |
24 | 北村有起哉さん | Under 10K |
25 | 渦中の信金理事長 | Under 10K |
26 | 未完成うちわ | Under 10K |
27 | ペンラポーチ | Under 10K |
28 | ヒートテック | 10.3K |
29 | タイミー | 32.8K |
Note: Trends refreshes every hour.
What is trending at No. 1 on Twitter in Fukuoka, Japan?
Right now, 厚生年金 is trending at No. 1 on twitter in Fukuoka, Japan with 12,800 tweets.
What hashtags are trending on Twitter right now?
These hashtags are popular right now on Twitter in Fukuoka, Japan:
How do I see trends on Twitter in Fukuoka, Japan?
You can get latest Twitter trending topics and hashtags in a tabular format here at our website. We update the data every hour to provide you the latest trends.
You can also export the Twitter trend data in Excel xls format. Don't forget to bookmark this page to get information about fresh twitter trend from Fukuoka, Japan
What are the top topics trending on twitter in Fukuoka, Japan?
The above pie chart shows the top topics trending on Twitter by tweet volume.