Twitter Trends - Kobe, Japan
The following are the top twitter trends and hashtags trending on twitter today in Kobe. The trends was last updated 6 minutes ago.
Rank | Trending Topic / Hashtag | Tweet Count |
1 | スクープ | 21.3K |
2 | #おのえ765 | Under 10K |
3 | 現代ビジネス | Under 10K |
4 | #エナフラ | Under 10K |
5 | 背番号変更 | Under 10K |
6 | 晶哉ちゃん | Under 10K |
7 | 進撃の巨人 | 33.3K |
8 | #おはミコ | Under 10K |
9 | 第1022回 | Under 10K |
10 | レクサス | 14.4K |
11 | 前髪クリップ | Under 10K |
12 | #ワンモ | Under 10K |
13 | 最低気温 | Under 10K |
14 | エアコン | Under 10K |
15 | 予告番組 | Under 10K |
16 | 令和ちゃん | Under 10K |
17 | 寒さ対策 | Under 10K |
18 | アウター | Under 10K |
19 | #めざましテレビ | Under 10K |
20 | FOMC | 36.3K |
21 | ストーブ | 12.5K |
22 | メガベガス | Under 10K |
23 | 体調管理 | 18.2K |
24 | 美青ちゃん | Under 10K |
25 | CoCo壱 | 21.9K |
26 | 電気毛布 | Under 10K |
27 | ホットコーヒー | Under 10K |
28 | エリザベス女王杯 | Under 10K |
29 | レガレイラ | Under 10K |
Note: Trends refreshes every hour.
What is trending at No. 1 on Twitter in Kobe, Japan?
Right now, スクープ is trending at No. 1 on twitter in Kobe, Japan with 21,300 tweets.
What hashtags are trending on Twitter right now?
These hashtags are popular right now on Twitter in Kobe, Japan:
How do I see trends on Twitter in Kobe, Japan?
You can get latest Twitter trending topics and hashtags in a tabular format here at our website. We update the data every hour to provide you the latest trends.
You can also export the Twitter trend data in Excel xls format. Don't forget to bookmark this page to get information about fresh twitter trend from Kobe, Japan
What are the top topics trending on twitter in Kobe, Japan?
The above pie chart shows the top topics trending on Twitter by tweet volume.